1-5 of 554 reviews
  1. EB

    This is the bud you smoke when you need to convert your friends to stonerism. It gives you an unforgettable high with all the right features, euphoria, giggles, laziness, munchies, and some pain relief too. I urge ALL novice smokers and first-timers to try this strain, it will turn you into a stoner for life. Extremely peaceful high – quite the opposite of its name.

  2. BJ

    this is very potent and I am a new smoker. Over Thanksgiving break I stopped for a week and now my tolerance is back at day one. This feels a little bit psychedelic. Like, a baby drop of acid. Like, I feel pretty awesome. You guys are laughing at this post aren’t you

  3. GF

    A great strain to kickback with your friends and converse about life. Little to no paranoia. Not harsh on the lungs and is a great strain to roll into a joint. Beginners should be careful however, it is a very heavy strain

  4. SM

    Strong and relaxing. Only downsides were super red eyes and crazy nightmares when I smoked close to bedtime.

  5. IG

    this strain is excellent for insomnia, with the powerful punch that’s going to hit you hard and fast. one of my favorites! it even grows great outdoors, i got my final bus stop weed shop